group Treatment


Amy Natasha Williams is lying on a hospital bed. She reaches out to her mum, Kimie, who is on her bedside, crying. Amy is requesting to her mum to hold her hand. In her other arm, clutching a soft toy. Kimie willingly and eagerly does so, as it might be the last time Amy requests of something. 

Amy apologises to her mum, Kimie for disobeying her and for drinking, a lot.  (flashback); Amy partying in club, and drinking. Still drinking even when she is drunk because of peer pressure. Kimie was trying her best to hold back her tears. She forgave her daughter, while holding her hand tightly. Doctor knocks on the door and asked to have a conversation with Kimie.

In the doctor's office, the doctor tells Kimie that Amy has no hope of living. The doctor said, Amy's stomach is like a balloon, as if she was 9 months pregnant, her hair is falling off, her urine is black, her eyes is yellow and lost of apatite. The only things keeping her together is morphine intake. Kimie by that time was already crying uncontrollably. The doctor then asked Kimie to be strong and to accept the fact. 

 Back in the ward, Kimie returns to Amy's bedside. They are having conversation about turning back time and undoing all of Amy's mistakes. All of a sudden, a horizontal line appeared constantly on the screen of the electrocardiogram. Amy's life at that second ended. Kimie was screaming hysterically while beeping for the nurse, crying at the same time. 

At Amy's funeral, Kimie and Amy's family members are crying hysterically. The doctor who is at the funeral sends his sincere condolences to Kimie. Kimie tells the doctor that she regrets not doing more from preventing Amy from drinking. Kimie then tells the doctor that she plans to hold talks in schools, colleges etc to raise awareness of excessive alcohol intake.

Kimie is in a primary school giving a speech on the disadvantages of drinking alcohol and getting addicted, to help raise awareness so that no other teens and their family respectively suffer the same fate as her daughter, Amy and her family. 
Scene : 1
Characters : Amy, Mother (Kimie)
Location : Hospital ward
Props : Bed, soft toy, hospital equipment

Scene : 2
Characters : Amy, Kimie, Amy's drinking friends
Location : Hospital ward, club
Props : Bed, soft toy, hospital equipment, alcohol bottles

Scene : 3
Characters : Doctor, Kimie
Location : Doctor's office
Props : Table, chair, office equipments

Scene : 4
Characters : Amy, Kimie
Location : Hospital ward
Props : Bed, electrocardiogram, hospital equipments

Scene : 5
Characters : Kimie, Kimie's family members, doctor
Location : Park
Props : Umbrella

Scene : 6
Characters : Kimie, public audiences
Location : School
Props : Chairs, microphone

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