scene 1

ACTION : Scene 1 starts with Kimie being at Amy's bedside, when Amy asked her mum to hold her hand. Kimie obliges. The whole time, Kimie tries her best to not shed a tear.
DIALOGUE : "Amy : Mum, take my hand."
TIMING : + - 10 seconds
PROPS : Teddy bear, hospital equipment, bed, chair, electrocardiogram

scene 2

ACTION : Amy apologises to her mum, Kimie for disobeying her and for abuse of alcohol. (insert flashback); Kimie forgave her daughter. Doctor interrupts and asked to speak to Kimie privately.
DIALOGUE : "Amy : Mum, I am so sorry for abusing alcohol, and disobeying you. I am such a bad daughter. I am sorry for putting you in this position."
                       "Kimie : It's okay, dear. We will just have to hope for the best."
                      "Doctor : I am sorry to interrupt but is it okay if i have a word with you in my office, Madam Kimie?
                     "Kimie : Sure doctor. (looks at Amy) I will be back in a few minutes. 
TIMING : + - 30 seconds
CAMERA SHOT : Medium Long Shot
PROPS : Bed, hospital equipment, teddy bear
ACTION : (flashback) ; Amy partying and heavy drinking with a few of her friends. 
DIALOGUE : "Amy : How many bottles are we drinking today?"
                       "Amy's friend : 10 each!"
                       "Amy : Is that even possible?"
                       "Amy's friend : We will make it possible!"
                       "Amy : Okay!"
(30 minutes later) "Amy : Oh no, I am so drunk."
                                 "Amy's friend : Drink more! Enjoy life!"
                                 "Amy : Hahah alright then! Drink to life!"           
TIMING : + - 20 seconds
CAMERA ANGLE : Eye level
CAMERA SHOT : Medium Long Shot
PROPS : Table, chairs, alcohol bottles

scene 3

ACTION : Doctor invites Kimie into his office. They are having a conversation about Amy's condition. He tells her that Amy cannot be saved. Kimie cried. 
DIALOGUE : "Doctor : Please, have a seat. I'm afraid i have terrible news. As you know, your daughter's condition is not very well.       Her stomach is like a balloon, as if she was 9 months pregnant, her hair is falling off, her urine is black, her eyes is yellow and lost of apatite. The only things keeping her together is morphine intake."
                       "Kimie : *sobbing uncontrollably*
                       "Doctor : Her time will be up anytime soon. Ma'am, please prepare for the worst."
TIMING : + - 30 seconds
CAMERA SHOT : Medium shot
Props : Table, chair, office equipments

scene 4

ACTION : Back in the ward, Kimie returned to Amy's bedside. They are conversing about regrets, take backs and redos in their lives respectively. 
DIALOGUE : "Amy : If i could relive my whole life again, i would not choose this road. I am so sorry, ma. I always make you concerned, make you worried, make you mad. I promise not to that in the future. I want to live a happy life, with you, ma."
                       "Kimie : *while trying to hold back tears*, I will hold you to that promise, dear. I am glad you realised the harmful disadvantages of alcohol abuse. You will be fine, don't worry. 
                      "Amy : "Thanks ma *while smilling*. I love you. *closes both eyes*."
TIMING : + - 20 seconds
CAMERA SHOT : Medium long shot
PROPS : Bed, hospital equipment, teddy bear, electrocardiogram
ACTION : A horizontal line appeared on the screen of the electrocardiogram. Amy is no longer alive. Kimie is screaming hysterically while beeping for the nurse, crying at the same time.   
DIALOGUE : (screaming) "NOOOOOO, This can't be happening!! HELPPP!!"
TIMING : + - 10 seconds
CAMERA ANGLE : Eye level
CAMERA SHOT : Medium Shot
PROPS : Electrocardiogram, hospital equipment, bed, teddy bear. 

scene 5

ACTION : Kimie and Amy's family members are at Amy's funeral. All are crying, hysterically. The doctor who was also at the funeral, offers his condolences. They are conversing about raising awareness among teenagers about alcohol abuse so noone else will feel this sorrow. 
DIALOGUE : "Doctor : Once again, I am so sorry about your loss."
                        "Kimie : It is okay, it is inevitable in Amy's case. But i wouldn't want any teen out there to suffer the same fate as Amy."
                        "Doctor : What are you suggesting, ma'am?"
                        "Kimie : I am planning to hold awareness talks and speeches to help raise awareness of excessive alcohol consumption.
                        "Doctor : Sounds like a brilliant plan."
TIMING : + - 20-30 seconds
CAMERA ANGLE : High & eye level  
CAMERA SHOT : Long shot & medium close-up
PROPS : Umbrella

scene 6

ACTION : Kimie standing on a stage in a school hall, giving a speech of disadvantages of excessive alcohol consumption to students.
DIALOGUE : "Kimie : There are many disadvantages of excessive alcohol comsumption, such as schizophrenia, depression, or anxiety disorders. Poverty, social isolation, and shyness may also be risk factors..."
TIMING : + - 15-20 seconds
CAMERA ANGLE : Long shot
PROPS : Chairs. microphone, stand.

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